Press Office
The main assignment of the press bureau of the Egyptian embassy is mediating the image of Egypt throughout Germany concerning all areas: politics, economics and culture. In the same way the press bureau serves as mediator of German politics, economics and culture to the Arab Republic of Egypt.
This mission is carried out through German media and media representatives as well as in direct contact with the German people. Likewise the press bureau offers a personal access to the views of Egypt by organizing and participating in lectures and events where the Egyptian opinion on current topics is expressed, especially concerning Egypt, the Near and Middle East and the Third World.
An additional task is to help German journalists and representatives of television and film productioin companies to receive film permissions for Egypt and to arrange encounters between them and high authorities or prominent people of Egypt. Vice versa such help is also offered to Egyptian representatives of the media and their wishes to meet with important German people.
Press Office / Presseabteilung
Stauffenbergstr. 6-7
10785 Berlin
Tel. 030-895 41 903
Fax. 030-895 41 912
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